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Articles 5 Importance of PPEs In Whatever Work Industry

5 Importance of PPEs In Whatever Work Industry

Principal Author / Publisher:Bianca Mangansakan
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“According to OSHA, the proper use of PPE can prevent 37.6% of occupational injuries and diseases” (Science Direct, N. Kursunoglu, 2022)

From the statistics seen above, you can agree that having a certain amount of protection from illnesses or accidents is better than having none at all. Discover more about why is ppe important and so much more as you read along. 

Different Kinds of PPE: Everything About It

Whether it is a high risk or hazardous workplace or not, your organization should instill the importance of wearing ppe at work. In your workplace, ppe standards are one of the responsibilities of those in charge of it.

Looking for the right and appropriate ppe to use for workers can now be done via a ppe online store. Here are the kinds of PPE you need and a brief overview of what it’s all about:

Head Protection

As stated, this is the ppe in charge of protecting your head and whatever element is surrounding it. With this equipment, your head will have extra cushioning and is shielded from whatever may hit it or if in an accident.

Eye Protection

The fact that your eyes are one of the most vital organ or senses we need to work productively and survive everyday life is enough reason needed to support why is it important to wear ppe especially for the eyes.

Hearing Protection

For those of you exposed to exceedingly loud working environments for long periods of time, you need to have this and know the proper use of ppe for hearing protection. This way, your sense of hearing will not be damaged.

Respiratory Protection

If your workplace has the presence of gases, dusts, vapors and other chemicals that can be inhaled then this is the ppe you need to have. It is designed to be worn over the face for filtering contaminated air that you breathe in.

Hand, Body and Feet Protection

These ppe are grouped together based on what importance they bring to the safety and protection of the wearer. Like all equipment, these lessens the risk of being exposed to exposure to harmful chemicals or injuries when working. 

Industries In Demand For PPE Use

There is a standard set by osha ppe when it comes to wearing ppe for general industry. Regardless of the actual job description, the importance of ppe is heavily followed. Here are some industries that have no exceptions for this:

·       Construction

·       Medical and Healthcare

·       Sanitation and Maintenance

·       Food and Beverage

·       Manufacturing

·       Industrial

·       Cargo and Logistics

·       Chemical Handling and Research

·       Processing and Fabrication

5 Reasons Why PPE Is Important Regardless Of The Work Industry

Your PPE exists so that it can be additional protection for you the whole time you are working or when simply in the workplace. Apart from keeping you safe, here are factors to consider about the importance of wearing ppe at work:

Your Work Productivity Increases

For those of you working in a more physically oriented environment such as mining, construction or etc., you get a sense of safety and security in accomplishing much more knowing you are protected by the ppe you wear.

It Adds Value To Style And Comfort

You have to admit, some ppe’s these days are colorful, attractive and comfortable all while being effective when being worn. This keeps you inspired and spreads “good vibes” in the workplace resulting to better quality of work.

The PPE You Wear Will Help You Avoid Liability From Injuries Or Accidents

Always remember that in the workplace, your employer is liable to you if accidents and injuries that lead to unfortunate results still happen while wearing your PPE. It’s a whole other ball game if you aren’t wearing it.

A Good Impression And Example Is Set In The Workplace

Just by being in the workplace displaying your use of the proper ppe can help set the standards be implemented fro your team or organization. You can positively influence the wearing of ppe to others starting from doing it yourself.

It Is A Strict Law Mandated All Over The World

There is a mandate forwarded to the public regarding the strict compliance of working while wearing ppe’s covering employee safety and health management. Fines and penalties are sanctioned when this is not followed.

To Sum It Up

Wearing your ppe at work provides the safety and protection of employers and workers. Although it is the main reason, the importance of wearing ppe at work gives many benefits overall apart from just safety.


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