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Articles Safety Regulations In The Workplace

Safety Regulations In The Workplace

Principal Author / Publisher:Safetyhow Admin
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Safety regulations in the workplace need to be in place in order to assure the employees that they are cared for. Read this article for information on safety rules that apply for every workplace.
Did you know that the four industries wherein maximum workplace mishaps take place are: service industry, construction and building industry, retail stores and manufacturing industry? Well, its true. If you are in any of these industries or any other for that matter, this article is for you. It is absolutely essential for an employee to be aware of the safety rules to be followed at the workplace. Every organization should have a system for safety. This system should revolve around the following safety rules and guidelines. On Job Hazards
The safety regulations should keep on job hazards on top priority. These are the hazards that can risk injury to the employees. Basic surveys have stated that most on job hazards can be averted if safety rules and regulations in the workplace are well-formed and systematic. The floors have to be checked for tripping hazards. All the walk-ins should be well-lit and in case there are blind spots, all the employees and workers should be aware of them. This could help avoid untoward collisions and accidents. Cords and wires should be secured away from the walkways and the corridors. All electric wiring should be covered with appropriate material. Fire safety and electrical safety regulations should also be made. Health Hazards
In today's world, contagious illnesses are a dangerous trend. Worker-spread illnesses pose a great risk to he health of the entire workforce. More so, many unwell employees will lead to others being demotivated, leading to a drop in productivity. It is required by the management to advise all the employees to stay home if they are sick as a part of workplace safety regulations. This policy should not be altered and the leave taken by the employees during such a time should be a paid leave. This will make sure that they don't come to work for the fear of losing their salary for the day. Good hand washing and disinfecting toiletries should be available at the workplace for the employees. Chemical Hazards
In case the job description of the employees requires them to handle chemicals of any sort, there needs to be safety regulations regarding that as well. Chemicals should be rightly labeled to avoid any detrimental mistakes. Mixing of the wrong chemicals can cause a terrible chemical reaction which could be hazardous to all the employees. There needs to be measures taken to ensure that only chemicals that are safe to be kept together are stored together. The supervisor should have full working knowledge of the chemicals to ensure that no mistakes happen due to ignorance or negligence. In fact the University of Iowa has a guide to proper chemical storage which should be referred to, in order to maintain the right storage system. Reporting System
To ensure the best safety, there needs to be a reporting system in place. Injuries, illnesses and accidents on job should be reported in time. All illnesses should be reported as well. This is to ensure that the organization has the medical records of the employee in case of an emergency. The Occupational Safety and Health Department Administration has come up with several safe ways to maintain this system. Reference to OSHA should be made while developing the reporting system and putting it in place. Whistleblower
Being a tattletale is not by choice of most employees. However, in case the behavior of certain employees is unsafe or hazardous, it should be reported to the appropriate authorities. This can help increase the safety standards of the organization on the whole and work as a great safety regulation in a workplace. In fact, this whistle blower system also ensures complete attention of the employees. This can assure that they report any accident or hazardous incident to the management in time. It fosters a no-negligence environment that thrives on participative behavior. Most organizations make sure that these health and safety regulations are put into use. However, in the absence of professionalism at work, it becomes a little difficult to get the right results. This is where I sign off!! All the best!

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